Topic: How long should I wait?

After having had a miscarrage recently I go from wanting to try again right now  to never wanting to try again, sometimes within a few minutes. Is there a right time to try again?

2 (edited by iolanda 11th-Nov-2009 10:15:21)

Re: How long should I wait?

Hello Justinew

When someone miscarries there is no absolute answer as to when it is right to conceive again and it is a personal decision.  I often tell patients there are two main considerations about attempting to conceive again. First you must ensure that physically you are well again and your hormones have gone back to normal -your doctor is the one who can advise you on this. Emotional readiness will be determined by your thoughts and feelings about the loss. From reading your post is still sounds like there is ambivalence and therefore it may be worthwhile speaking to a counsellor who can assess you in terms of where you are with your grief.
